The Congregation of the Sisters of Charity was founded in Italy in 1832 by a young dynamic and gifted lady, Bartolomea Capitanio, with her companion, Catherine Gerosa. They consecrated themselves wholly to God, in response to His call, in order to be the visible instruments of mercy and love of Jesus Christ, to God’s people everywhere, especially where the need was great and extreme
While still a young girl, Bartolomea set herself a courageous plan of personal holiness. “I want to be a Saint, a great Saint and a Saint soon”. The environment in which she lived bore traces of the material and moral distress caused by Napoleonic despotism, the successive Austrian Restoration and the first evidences of the Industrial Revolution. Faced with the expectations of her times, she sensed the irresistible call of charity. She became a friend and sister to all the young girls of her village. She held most dear, those among them in greatest need. She opened a school for girls in her own home. She guided the leaders of youth groups of the neighbouring towns. She enjoyed talking to the poor and helped them as far as she could. She sought to comfort the sick and the bedridden. With Catherine Gerosa, she opened a hospital.
While she untiringly did everything she could in love for all, her interior attention, purified by severe discipline, was turned to Jesus, who during his earthly life worked only for the glory of the Father and gave his life for all people. She died only eight months after she launched her mission of Charity at the tender age of 26. Catherine Gerosa, her first companion, accepted her inheritance and continued to nurture and guide the new born Institute.
Bartolomea’s vision of charity has culminated in the dedication of countless young ladies for a life of service all over the world. This vision has flowered into centres
for education and health, homes for the unwanted children, for the aged, the disabled, the destitutes, and all forms of social action. In 1860 Bartolomea’s sisters were invited to offer their services in Bengal. Soon they were also called to the other parts of our country. Today, they lovingly and courageously insert themselves in different cultures and social contexts, bring the comfort by their loving service to humanity.
As sisters of Charity, we are involved in a special way with diverse roles, in the educational process of the youth, helping young girls to understand the reality of life and to look at it in truth with an enlightened intelligence. The goal of education for us, as it was for our Founderss St. Bartalomea, is to help the young generations to build up their own lives on sound principles and to uphold the values of justice and truth to defend the sacredness and dignity of life in society.
Every child that enters the portals of Holy Mary is received as a Sacred Trust from God and consequently, the Management and the staff aim at the harmonious growth of the whole person of the child.
All the activities of the school, be they curricular, co- curricular and extra-curricular are therefore directed to achieve.
• The spiritual formation of our students through knowledge of God, the Creator and Father of all, a sacred right of every human person.
• The intellectual development of our Students, so as to enable them to be intelligent members, capable of associating with their fellow citizens in the world.
• a mature sense of responsibility towards enhancing their own lives through constant effort and authentic freedom.
• An upright conscience which weighs moral and human values and embraces them by personal choice based on sound principles.
an awakening to social awareness to such a degree, that they rise to meet situations, even when it calls for a challenge.
The integrated curriculum of the Telangana Education Department, is followed in all classes and students are prepared for the Secondary School Certificate Public Examination held by the Department each year. The medium of instruction is English, Hindi and Telugu are taught either as first or second language in all the classes.
The first language and the Second language begins in class I